We’ve been innovating parent engagement technology since 2004, working alongside local authorities and academy trusts to deliver large multi-school projects.
Studies have shown that parent engagement improves student performance. It sounds simple, but in practice, it can weigh down already overstretched staff. That’s where Group Manager comes in. Schoolcomms is a single, integrated system that’s easy to use and syncs seamlessly with your MIS, saving your staff the time they need to focus on education.
Not only that, we’re able to automate tasks that have historically been carried out manually, as well as streamlining back-office administration.
Our Group Manager Application provides MAT leaders with everything they need to manage spending and communications across the group.
Whether you’re looking for advice on improving your parent communication, interested in asking any questions about Schoolcomms, or want to book a demo, we’d love to hear from you. If you’d like to meet us in person, we can come to you. Simply ask us for an in-person appointment, and we can show you how it all works.
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