International Dyslexia Learning (IDL)
Third-party product
Learn how this specialist multi-sensory software has been providing learning support to 4,200 schools and helping over 280,000 learners across the globe
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Learn how this specialist multi-sensory software has been providing learning support to 4,200 schools and helping over 280,000 learners across the globe
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There is a growing number of young learners who face learning difficulties, like dyslexia and dyscalculia, and are falling behind in their academics. International Dyslexia Learning (IDL) offers specialised multi-sensory software to primary and secondary schools in the UK. IDL’s literacy and numeracy programmes are a proven solution for improving the reading, spelling, and numeracy abilities of students.
IDL Literacy Software has been shown to enhance reading and spelling ages in both primary and secondary school students by an average of 11 months after just 26 hours of use. In addition to addressing the reading process from phonological awareness to fluency, the software offers features that help with spelling, handwriting, vocabulary, and comprehension.
IDL Numeracy is an interactive mathematics resource aimed at helping young people improve their numeracy skills. The software is mostly used by pupils with dyscalculia, while it is not limited to individuals with special educational needs. It can also be utilised for teacher training and planning, as well as by school psychologists and educational experts.
The IDL Literacy and Numeracy Screeners are simple, yet efficient online tests for identifying dyslexic-type challenges and dyscalculic tendencies respectively. Early identification can lead to early intervention, which can be extremely effective in ensuring that children can overcome learning challenges and reach their full potential.
Hambleton Primary Academy – Kairen Jones
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