06 May 2021
Todmorden Church of England Primary School
Schoolcomms case study
Phase: Primary
Local Authority: Calderdale
Unique challenge: Consolidating all of our parent communications in one place.
What goals were you hoping to achieve when you decided that an engagement system would be a good fit for your school?
To consolidate everything into one place. We also wanted to be able to monitor debts more easily, and become as cashless as possible, cutting down on paper.
What made you decide to use Schoolcomms to reach these goals?
Schoolcomms was recommended by another local primary school, I believe one of the first to start using it.
Were there any advantages to using Schoolcomms that you hadn’t considered when originally looking?
The fact that when booking wraparound care parents have to pay at the point of booking was an advantage which we weren’t aware of before we started using Schoolcomms.
What savings do you feel have made investing in Schoolcomms worthwhile?
It’s a great time saving tool; no more typing up daily registers for wraparound care. Everything you need is there at the touch of a button. There is no longer a need for weekly trips to the bank with bags of cash. We now have easy monitoring of numbers in clubs etc. What Schoolcomms has saved in my time, releasing me to do other things, it probably pays for itself.
What day-to-day challenges has using Schoolcomms helped you to overcome?
Debt management has probably been the main one along with ease in producing reports and paperwork for clubs.
What has parent and staff reaction been to School Gateway?
Great! Although it was a little scary launching the School Gateway app, parents adapted very quickly and feedback is positive. Now we are fully accustomed to using the School Gateway app; new starters are given information on the app and how to use it, and are downloading it before their children start.
What effect has the COVID-19 pandemic had on your use of Schoolcomms?
We have used the messaging and emails a lot over the pandemic. School Gateway has been invaluable to making sure that information got out to all parents.
What has been the impact of adopting Schoolcomms?
The impact has been only positive – saving time, reducing paper, greatly reducing debt, and keeping in contact with parents.
What advice would you give to a school that is currently thinking about implementing Schoolcomms?
Don’t hesitate! It’s super easy to use for staff and parents alike. I can’t think of a single negative comment to make about School Gateway. The support from the Schoolcomms staff is also excellent; there is always someone at the end of the phone that you can speak to, and they’ll help to sort out any issues you have. The training sessions are great too; my colleague has been doing some so he can make or cancel bookings, send texts etc in my absence.