We’ve listened to the experiences of over 3,000 school staff and found that 19% of schools are planning to increase their fundraising activity in the coming year. Compare that to our previous research in 2020, which found this number to be 20%, and we can see that this is still a key focus for schools.
15 November 2022Total Cashless Catering Solutions for Primary and Secondary schools. We are trusted by many local authorities and schools across Scotland, to deliver a seamless and secure solution for cashless catering. And we’re proud to be a chosen provider of Scotland Excel, for the provision of cashless catering.
2 November 2022We strongly advise all users to urgently update their passwords (including email passwords) to ensure these are as strong as possible.
19 October 2022This Childhood Day, Friday 10 June 2022, the NSPCC are asking everyone to play their part in keeping children safe from abuse, by taking part in The Big Breaktime and raising money through ParentPay, the UK market leader in school payments.
14 October 2022This ‘gap’ in academic achievement for children of low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds is what many describe as the ‘attainment gap’, and it hasn’t shown signs of closing for 20 years. But what causes the attainment gap? And what would closing the gap mean for schools?
28 September 2022Were you aware that meaningful parental engagement can equivalate to an additional 4 months of progression per year for children in school? It isn’t just down to teachers to ensure that children get the best education and support they can. Parents also play a key role in their children’s educational experience and, as such, it’s crucial that schools can involve them in the best ways possible.
27 September 2022Why the Trust decided to go cashless. More and more schools across the UK are joining Multi Academy Trusts. Schools are seeing the benefits of working closely together towards a shared goal. Many MATs have the shared processes and systems to gain efficiencies. This is the case for the Avocet Multi Academy Trust. Zoe Stewart, the Trust Finance Officer explains why they made the move to online payments.