St Lawrence share their cashless experience. St Lawrence CE Primary school is one of thousands of schools across the country that has changed the way they collect payments from parents. They’re using ParentPay in partnership with BT Lancashire Services to streamline income collection as well as saving valuable time and resource. Maria Smith, School Bursar explains: “Since introducing ParentPay, we have achieved 100% activation rate amongst parents which is great. We’re really pleased to have reached the stage where all our parents are paying online.”
24 May 2023Building meaningful parental engagement requires a well-thought-out communications strategy, encompassing a range of channels with clear purposes for each. This means connecting with parents where they naturally will be, with appropriate messaging, and at the right times.
13 March 2023Building meaningful parental engagement requires a well-thought-out communications strategy, encompassing a range of channels with clear purposes for each. This means connecting with parents where they naturally will be, with appropriate messaging, and at the right times.
27 February 2023Building meaningful parental engagement requires a well-thought-out communications strategy, encompassing a range of channels with clear purposes for each. This means connecting with parents where they naturally will be, with appropriate messaging, and at the right times.
20 February 2023